
Make Lying Wrong Again

Witches have to say enough is enough

We want all advertisers in Australia’s most tawdry media, NewsCorp to understand what they’re funding, and ask Witches to stop buying their products and services until they do so.

If companies haven’t advertised in a Murdoch publication for more than 21 days, they’re listed as a FRIEND in our database, and we ask Witches to support and buy from such companies if they can.

If they refuse to stop advertising they’re a FOE, and Witches will boycott such companies – and tell them why.

We want #NewsCorpse to stop, and we want this now, before it affects yet another Australian election or our Earth passes the many tipping points and we still don’t have climate action.

This is how we do it, just as we did with Alan Jones.

#NewsCorpse Friends and Foes list
Our Databases

Our #NewsCorpse Database 

There are two parts to this campaign, firstly that Witches start by contacting businesses that advertise with NewsCorp and ask them to stop funding NewsCorp or risk losing your current or future business. Choose 5 per day and write to them, give them a call, or jump on their social media.

Secondly, Witches talk to local businesses such as cafes, restaurants, medical surgeries, motels, hotels and schools to see if they stock NewsCorp papers or broadcast Foxtel or Sky News content for their staff, customers, clients or patients to consume. This might be a café which provides Murdoch newspapers for their customers to read free of charge, a hospital which displays Sky News in its waiting room or gives Murdoch papers to customers – even a school which puts Murdoch papers in its staff room for teachers.

As you visit businesses you use, talk to them if you feel comfortable doing so. We ask all of them to stop advertising with NewsCorp, or stocking their gutter press and to stock media with better content instead. We tell them we’ll stop patronising them (if possible) if they don’t, and will spread the word to others if they do.

Go to our ‘OUR DATABASES’, then to the #NewsCorpse tab at the top. Our database, which is updated by our Witchy volunteers, lists the name and contact details of advertisers supporting NewsCorp.


please register for access

To ensure safety for users and MFW staff, your details must be registered to download our lists. Mad Fucking Witches will never share your data with third parties.

How to contact Foes.

If not us, who?

– The database contains multiple ways to contact advertisers and businesses which supply Murdoch rags and television, henceforth called ‘FOES’. There are email addresses, website contact forms and social media and we ask witches to contact them directly.

– Use the email template found in our Campaign Resources if you need some help with what to say to them. Explain why they MUST stop advertising with NewsCorp and supplying it to their clients and customers. Our social feeds and the Witches can also help.

– If you get a reply to your direct contact and they say they’ll stop advertising, then ‘Report A Business” using our form and our Witchy volunteers will move them to the FRIENDS list. MFW will probably do a whole post on them, encouraging Witches to actively use their business.

– Alternatively, if companies reply that they ‘don’t decide where their advertising goes’ (we’ve heard it before – still don’t believe it) or perhaps they’ll take our points onboard, but will still advertise, let us know that too. You can do that via our Contact Page or via our social media.

– Don’t forget to contact the businesses you use who supply NewsCorp media to their clients and customers, and ask them to stop spreading Murdoch’s anti-democratic messages.

– If they agree, in our Campaign Resources there are #MurdochFreeWorld fliers you can print out and they can put them on their wall to show proudly, that they support a #MurdochFreeWorld.

– Interact with our social media and watch our Witchdrawal count as it goes up and up.

This is a marathon, not a sprint: but we won’t give up.

We know this may seem like a big ask and that’s why MFW wants to make this process easier. Read more about our new dedicated #MurdochFreeWorld website and app which will enable Aussies to quickly look up which companies fund Murdoch, and which don’t. They can use this information before purchasing any item or service to ensure they don’t fund NewsCorp’s hate media or businesses which supply it to their clients and customers. They can also use it to get in touch with the many companies which advertise in NewsCorp to request they stop doing so at the touch of a button.

Click the image below to learn about the new website and app.

To Your Brooms

If you care about your own future and that of others, get on board